Need to regain control of these weeds?

  • African Boxthorn

  • Belah

  • Black Tea Tree

  • Blue Heliotrope

  • Brigalow

  • Various Eucalypt Species 

  • Other Woody Weeds

The solution you’re looking for

Regain 200 is a powerful, targeted solution for controlling woody weeds and shrubs, helping your pastures thrive. It stops the spread of both native and introduced species, promoting grass growth, improving wildlife habitats, and increasing land value.

Silica-free and safer for your team, it protects human health, supports soil integrity, and prevents erosion—ensuring your property stays productive and resilient for years to come.

Contact us about our solution today.


Regain pasture. Regain profit.

Available in

20kg Bag

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Silica-free, safer for your team & better for your soil.

Tebuthiuron application cycle for effective weed control

  1. Initial symptoms

    Susceptible plants show yellowing of leaf tips & margins, followed by interveinal chlorosis

  2. Nutrient starvation

    The plant is gradually starved of nutrients as GP Regain blocks CO₂ fixation & energy production

  3. Browning & decline

    Over time, the plant will begin to brown & die, with death taking months, depending on local conditions

  4. Multiple defoliations

    Expect several defoliations as the plant struggles to survive

  5. Impact on desirable species

    Some desirable species may also be affected

  6. Minimise impact

    To reduce transient effects on pasture species, apply GP Regain when weeds or plants are dormant & ensure correct application rates and techniques

Learn more about Regain 200.

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Fed up with woody weeds?

Contact our team today.
